The apostolic fathers (late first century to mid second century) are early and important links to apostolic Christianity, although there is vigorous debate regarding their connection with the normative teachings of the primitive church. This new reference work, designed to be used alongside Michael Holmes's third edition of the Apostolic Fathers (Baker, 2007) makes these vital writings more accessible by providing students with contextually sensitive glosses of words that occur fewer than thirty times in the New Testament. These definitions are presented in the order in which they occur in the texts, along with the frequency of the word in the book, to facilitate a seamless reading process. Thus, students of New Testament Greek will be able to more comfortably expand their studies to read the works of Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, the Shepherd of Hermas, Polycarp of Smyrna, Papias, and others. This work will spur many students of the New Testament to explore the writings of the apostolic fathers and wrestle with their content, theology, praxis, use of the New Testament, and devotion to the risen Lord.
Dan Wallace and his editorial team have produced an exceedingly helpful reader's lexicon on the Apostolic Fathers. This is a comprehensive and user-friendly resource for anyone studying the Apostolic Fathers or just doing some advanced Greek study. A Reader's Lexicon of the Apostolic Fathers is sure to be an enduring exegetical resource for future study of early Christian literature. --Michael F. Bird, Lecturer in Theology, Ridley Melbourne College of Mission and Ministry
Precisely the tool needed by students of Greek who want to begin reading the Apostolic Fathers in the original. Organized to help them as they work through these texts, students with only a year or two of Greek will begin to make headway as they read these important documents in the original. Highly recommended. --D. A. Carson, Research Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Like Philip who responded to the Ethiopian eunuch's question: "How can I understand this without some help?" Wallace has now come along side our own chariots, our own studies of these ancient sacred texts, and provided a guide to translation and understanding. Highly recommended! --Ben Witherington III, Amos Professor of the NT for Doctoral Studies, Asbury Theological Seminary
Clearly conceived and easy to use, A Readers Lexicon of the Apostolic Fathers will be an invaluable resource for beginning Greek students who are eager to read important Christian writings from just outside the New Testament. For anyone who has already learned the basics of New Testament Greek, I cannot recommend it highly enough. --Bart D. Ehrman, James A. Gray Professor, Department of Religious Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
For the first time a lexicon has been specifically designed to assist readers of the texts collectively known as the Apostolic Fathers. This excellent tool will assist the fluency and speed at which these texts can be read and studied. The format and contents of the lexicon have been designed primarily as a tool that enables advanced students to widen their exposure to a greater range of early Christian Greek texts. --Paul Foster, Senior Lecturer in New Testament Language, Literature and Theology The School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh
About the Author
Daniel B. Wallace (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is professor of New Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, director of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, and senior New Testament editor of the NET
Bible. He has written Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament.
Brittany C. Burnette (DMin, Dallas Theological Seminary) serves as an adjunct instructor at the College of Biblical Studies--Houston.
Terri Darby Moore has a PhD in New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary.